The Arborsmith’s Story

Gilbert A. Smith, ISA Certified Master Arborist
BS Horticulture, University of Illinois

Lesley Bruce Smith, ISA Certified Arborist
BS Outdoor Education, Rockford University

Gilbert and Lesley met in the schools of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. They both come from 4 generations of entrepreneurs. So, starting a business seemed natural.  Arborsmith, a full service tree care company began in January of 1982. Their dream was to create a business that was founded on the principles of excellence in horticultural care, honesty and superior service on Chicago’s North Shore.

Over the years the most satisfying aspect of their business has been their relationships to their clients. They have serviced clients for over 40 years, sometimes stewarding trees on properties through several different owners. In addition to following clients through the acquisition and development of new properties as they seek to care for and maintain the health of their little corners of the earth.

Throughout their careers as ISA Certified Arborists they have sought to teach and mentor their clients, their communities and the wider world about the wonders of trees and how they grow and should be maintained. They have taught as guest faculty at the world renowned Chicago Botanic Garden, the Morton Arboretum, and at professional development seminars associated with the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and Illinois Landscape Professional events, all to rave reviews. They are also favorite presenters at local garden centers, schools and garden clubs.

They have discovered through their years of caring for trees that stewarding the earth happens one small section at a time. They have a passion for horticulture that goes far beyond the typical professional. They believe that we all have a responsibility to “do the right thing” towards our tree friends and are interested in how that integrates into the wider community of the world. They recently were awarded the ISA True Professionals Award because of their years of contributing to education about and for trees.

With all of this in hand, they recently sold the service side of their company to Bartlett Tree Experts and have relocated to Western Montana to be near their son, a pilot with the US Forest Service and his family. They are excited to share that they are re-creating Arborsmith to focus on their teaching, writing and consulting in the wisdom from the trees. Their goal is to share the wisdom they have gained over a lifetime of saving and caring for trees.

Gilbert A. Smith in 1982 on Arborsmith's first truck.